Do you have a nickname?
Where were you born?
I was born in Akureyri, Iceland
What is your hometown?
Odense, Denmark
Do you have a wife, a girlfriend or are you single?
Girlfriend – Maja
Do you have any Children?
What is your favourite food?
Lasagna or other pasta dishes
What is your favourite band?
I listen to a lot of different types of music.
What is your favourite movie?
Old School
What are your other interests or hobbies?
Football in the summer.
Do you have any game day routines?
Do you have any superstitions related to hockey?
Who has been the most influential person on your hockey career?
My father
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I have 2 brothers, Petur in Iceland and Boas in Odense.
Which is your favourite Danish Ice Rink?
Rødovre, the ice is usually good.
Which is your least favourite Danish Ice Rink?
Hvidovre, the roof is too low and it has bad lighting.
Do you have any ambition to play in another country?
Not at this time.
What are your thoughts on the lowering of the import rule this season?
I think it is good that more talented players will get a chance. Unfortunately, the financial crisis has meant that the quality of the imports has fallen.